The author of this website, in a suit, smiling.

Hi, I'm Ja­son.

Per­son­al­ly, I'm a soft­ware and sci­ence lov­ing guy who likes fig­ur­ing out how stuff works. I'm into maths, physics, tech, phi­los­o­phy, and video games. In my spare time, I like writ­ing ar­ti­cles for this blog, learn­ing new tech stacks, and play­ing in­die games.

Pro­fes­sion­al­ly, I'm a full stack en­gi­neer and data sci­en­tist. I am the pric­ing and dis­tri­b­u­tion lead at Kan­d­ua, a match­ing plat­form for ar­ti­sans. In the past, I have been a data sci­ence tu­tor at Ex­plore and a data sci­ence con­sul­tant at Per­cept. De­spite my data sci­ence his­to­ry, I would say I'm more a fan of the in­ter­sec­tion be­tween full stack en­gi­neer­ing and data sci­ence.

This blog

I built this blog as a means of shar­ing what I have learnt about data sci­ence, tech, stats, and any­thing else I en­joy re­al­ly. I built and de­signed it from scratch us­ing the Gats­by JS frame­work. The source code for the blog is avail­able un­der the MIT li­cense at GitHub.


If you'd like to con­tact me, you can do so via Email, Twit­ter, or LinkedIn. Also, feel free to check out my GitHub if you are in­ter­est­ed in my projects. If you like my blog, book­mark it for now - an email list is com­ing soon!

Copyright © Jason Webster 2021
Last updated: 7 September 2021